Hello Harmony members and friends -
It's time to begin thinking about fall elections! The following elected seats are being vacated on December 31 following a two-year term:
Please view bylaws for full board descriptions. Are you interested in serving as a member of the Board of Directors? APPLY TO JOIN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS You must be a current dues-paying member of Harmony in order to run for office. If you are not a member and would like to submit your name, please ensure you have officially joined by clicking the button below before sharing your interest. Please view our bylaws to learn more about these roles and their responsibilities. As this is a working board, candidates can expect to work ~10 hours/week on official Harmony business. Submissions will be accepted until October 31 at 5 p.m. Central.
Hello Harmony members and supporters - We are thrilled to share that the recent proposed bylaw revisions were unanimously approved by the participating membership. You can view our newly revised bylaws by clicking the button below. In the spirit of transparency, we are sharing the following section of the organization's bylaws that governs bylaw amendments. BYLAW AMENDMENT PROCEDURE |
April 2024
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